Petrol Price in Pakistan Today – September 2024

Over time, petrol prices in Pakistan today have been rising and have reached new highs. On this page, you can find the latest petrol price in Pakistan today, as well as the history of fuel prices and details about various petroleum products. As of 08 September 2024, the current petrol prices reported by companies like OGRA, Shell, PSO, Zoom, Attock, Hascol, Total Parco, Go, and others.

Petrol Prices in Pakistan Today

Fuel TypeOld Price (PKR)New Price (PKR)Difference (PKR)
High-Speed Diesel (HSD)266.70263.38-3.32
Light Diesel Oil (LDO)157.02154.05-2.97
Kerosene Oil171.77169.62-2.15
Current petrol prices in Pakistan as of 08 September 2024.

Understanding Petrol Prices in Pakistan

The cost of fuel in Pakistan directly affects the daily lives of its citizens and various industries like transportation and manufacturing. The petrol price in Pakistan is influenced by several factors, including global oil prices, currency exchange rates, and local taxes. To understand the current situation, it is essential to look at how these factors work together to determine fuel costs.

What Affects the Petrol Price in Pakistan?

The petrol price in Pakistan today is determined by a mix of global and local factors:

  1. Global Oil Prices: Changes in the price of crude oil worldwide have a direct impact on fuel prices in Pakistan.
  2. Exchange Rates: The value of the Pakistani Rupee against the US Dollar affects the cost of importing fuel.
  3. Taxes and Duties: Government taxes, duties, and levies are added to the base price of petrol.
  4. Local Transportation Costs: The cost of transporting fuel to different parts of the country also affects the final price.

The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) plays a crucial role in setting these prices. It reviews all the factors, such as global oil prices, exchange rates, and government taxes, to decide the final retail price.

Impact of Petrol Prices on Different Sectors

Changes in petrol prices in Pakistan today affect not only individual consumers but also businesses that rely on transportation and energy. For example:

  • Transport Sector: Higher petrol prices increase the cost of public and private transport.
  • Manufacturing Industry: Factories that rely on fuel for operations face higher production costs, which may lead to increased product prices.
  • Households: Rising petrol prices can lead to higher costs of goods and services, affecting household budgets.

Steps Towards a Sustainable Energy Future

To reduce dependence on petrol and minimize the impact of price fluctuations, Pakistan is moving towards sustainable energy solutions. The government is encouraging the use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and investing in renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. By focusing on these alternatives, Pakistan aims to build a more stable and sustainable energy future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the current petrol price in Pakistan today?
    Current petrol price in Pakistan today is Rs. 259.10
  2. What factors influence the petrol price in Pakistan?
    The petrol price is affected by global oil prices, currency exchange rates, local taxes, transportation costs, and government policies.
  3. How often do petrol prices change in Pakistan?
    Petrol prices in Pakistan are usually reviewed twice a month based on international oil market trends and local economic factors.
  4. Why do petrol prices vary in different cities of Pakistan?
    Prices vary due to differences in local taxes, transportation costs, and competition among fuel stations.
  5. What role does OGRA play in petrol pricing?
    OGRA monitors and regulates petrol prices to ensure transparency and fairness in the market.
  6. Does the government offer any subsidies on petrol prices?
    Sometimes, the government provides subsidies to manage the impact of price hikes, but these are subject to change.
  7. Is Pakistan moving towards renewable energy?
    Yes, the government is promoting renewable energy sources like solar and wind to reduce reliance on imported fuel.


The petrol price in Pakistan today is a significant aspect of the economy, affecting everyone from consumers to businesses. By understanding the factors that influence these prices and exploring sustainable energy options, Pakistan can work towards a more stable and resilient future.

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